Being able to customise and make PT Distinction look like your own software you’ve spent $000,000 dollars making is one of its many attractive features.

However, what happens if you don’t have a website to integrate the software into and make it look like your own?

Here comes the mini-site! Included in PT Distinction is the mini-site, this customisable mini website allows you to offer all the features PT Distinction has without the need for your own website.

But, when it comes to the URL (the web address in the browser) it still says PT Distinction.

In this video, I’m going to show you how to set up your PT Distinction mini-site using your own custom URL.

To do this you will need a PT Distinction account and access to your Domain provider (In the video I use GoDaddy)

IMPORTANT: Masking can affect mobile optimisation (depends on lots of factors, none of which can be controlled by PTD). For example, masking may allow browser optimisation but when on mobile the mask may cause the system to think its just a small browser window, maintaining the browser view and not triggering the mobile view.