Starting at the end of December.
The new partners section will live in the PTD Ninja members area.
This partner section is based on our experience working with personal trainers and business over the years and their needs.
Each partner here is someone PTD Ninja has worked or vetted through working with many of our members.
Meet the new recommended partners of PTD Ninja…
We start the list with, of course.
Online personal training software.
PT Distinction The world’s highest rated online personal training software and the backbone of the system and services we help set up for online personal trainers.
Followed closely by…
LeadDec. A powerful CRM and funnel building software that can be used to automate your lead and sales management. Plus much more.
Personal Training Specific Websites
My Personal Trainer Website. Ran by one of the leading members of the personal training community producing and hosting SEO efficient websites.
Organic Social Media Marketing
Fitpro Socials. Providing high quality, effective and customised content for personal trainers via Facebook and Instagram.
Facebook Advertising
FitPro LeadGen, experts using Facebook advertising to bring in new leads for personal trainers.
Google Advertising
Marketing Wolf. Experts in creating and managing advertising through Google and YouTube across multiple industries.
Ongoing Tech Support
Trailblazer Tech. Personal trainers are not always a fan of tech and managing that tech over time can be a daunting task. Have your own tech support experts on hand to support you. Better yet, they will be brief on your PTD Ninja set up in PT Distinction and any other software we set up for you.
Client Nutrition Support
Quantum Nutrition. Nutrition is not always part of a personal trainer’s expertise, but is a cornerstone to helping clients achieve incredible results. Have your very own qualified nutritional ‘plugged’ into your PT Distinction account, looking after your clients.
Program Design Support
Dowdell System Exercise Database. What if you are a nutritionist and need support on your program design? With this plug and play database directly into your PT Distinction account, you’ll have an extra 1500 exercises and pre-made templates. Not only that, you will have access to training on how to use and program for clients effectively.
Ongoing PT Distinction and business support.
The PTD Ninja Academy. OK, this is us. But being an academy member will bring you more.
With support, group and 1-2-1 coaching calls already included, new features are being added.
Including access to our new interactive calculators that plug directly into your PT Distinction account. These new calculators will also help your clients do a number of different things from working out RPE and load of an exercise.
Make basic adjustments based on their results from the program.
Plus, new nutrition calculators for IYMF coaching and using hand portions for managing calories.
All will be live the last week in December for PTD Ninja Academy members.
If you would like to find out more about PTD Ninja and creating a successful online fitness business please click here to find out more.
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